
Skyrim crafting materials codes
Skyrim crafting materials codes

addfac 19809 1 enables the marriage options for the current selected NPC addfac 5C84D 1 eanbles the follower options for the current selected NPC (their standing towards you still matters) equipitem 1 : have your selected follower equip and use the item setessential 0 : turns the selected NPC mortal, set to 1 to turn the NPC immortal.

skyrim crafting materials codes

coc Riverwood coc qasmoke : fast travel to the testing hall movetoqt : teleport to the quest target kill: open console, click on target, type kill to kill it resurrect: open console, click on target, type resurrect to bring it back to life unlock: in console, target a door/chest so you can see its ID and then type unlock setownership: in console target an item, type "setownership" and you can safely take it without stealing set timescale to 1: sets the timescale to real time, 16 is default tfc : toggle freeze time, free camera set DecapitationChance to 50 : sets chance to decapitate to 50% set KillMoveRandom to 50 : sets chance for finishing moves to 50% tav rightitemcharge 100 : sets the number of the righthand item to 100, will get capped if it is above threshold tav leftitemcharge 100 : sets the number of the lefthand item to 100, will get capped if it is above threshold addfac 1 : (~addtofaction) adds the selected NPC to a faction. General Gameplay Commands Character related Commands Skills, Perks, Shouts Item related Commands Basic Items, Weapons, Armor, Jewelry, Ingots, Crafting Materials, Soul Gems, Spell Tomes, Enchanted Items, Decorating Fun ItemsGeneral help : use the help function to search for the term using a filter (0=show all results) bat : run a batch file with commands (similar to the files here) qqq : quits the game instantly tgm: toggle godmode tim: toggle immortal mode tcl: toggle clipping coc : fast travel to location, e.g. The 4 stands for a search filter, if you use 0 you will get all results.Use the links below to jump to the proper section. For example if you are interested in Dragonscale Armor you type help dragonscale 4 and get many item/spell ids which you can use to add these items, spells. As I find more or interesting IDs I will post it here.Found these IDs by adapting Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout console commands and a lot of trial and error.Basically when you look for something use help name 4 and use the result with the following commands.

skyrim crafting materials codes

Then you can use the known Oblivion/Fallout codes to increase your stats, gain gold. For now I have come up with a pretty impressive list of stuff.PC VersionUsing the PC Version of the game you can use the Tilde ^ to bring up the console.

skyrim crafting materials codes

ABut there was this vendor Item I really wanted and I started looking into console commands.

Skyrim crafting materials codes